Friday, January 28, 2011

Internship Photo Essay

So this is the front door of the office that I was working in. Its not much bigger than it looks. Usually there were only two people in there at a time (myself and the office manager, Jen). BUT, there was A LOT going on in that office. There were constant calls to the office with questions, concerns, appointments, just about any type of call you could imagine. As these calls were coming in, we were trying to do other work as well. It was so busy in that little office, let me tell. There was constant talking, constant ringing, constant printing, faxing, copying. I sat in a room off to the side. See it for yourself.......

Yup, that's where I worked for 4 weeks. That computer was min. That whole, big, clean table was mine....except when they needed it. Let me tell you right now that table was not clean for very long. I quickly piled all my work on that thing. (You'll see in a second). But anyway, I sat at that computer and worked on tons of stuff for SEEDS. Mainly I worked on re designing their website. I came into this office through the front door everyday. i would pass by Jen and say hi. If Stacy, my mentor was in i would said hey to her as well. Then I would go unpack my stuff, clutter my desk and get to work.

There is the mess that was my desk. I promise, I made it look as nice as the first picture everyday before I left.

This is some of the stuff I worked on while I was there. I did a lot of computer stuff for them. they aren't very computer literate, so I helped them a lot in that aspect. You can see the brochures that I created for them. They aren't in color in the picture, but I am happy to report they are now and they are currently being used as the company's brochure. Also there are business cards I created for them. We ordered them the other day so they should be being used in a couple of weeks. There are also a few of the CD labels that I made for them. One day my mentor just asked me to make her some, so I did some research on how to make them and I think they came out really well.

This is my I got to work everyday. I went into internship late and left late so my mom couldn't take me (she has a job, you know). So I drove myself to work, to lunch, and home everyday. It got a little scary at one point....

Dangerous job eehh? On my way to our second internship seminar, something went wrong. After that, I was afraid to drive to internship. But can you blame me?

Thai is Stacy(my mentor).....what I saw of her at least. About twice a week she was in the office, the rest of the time, she was out teaching her curriculum at schools around the state, or she was in her office in a meeting with one of her students. She is one busy woman! I got the opportunity to go to one of her classes before and see her teach. She took me to Murrietta with her one day to see what SEEDS was all about and watch how it helps people with developmental disabilities. I really enjoyed the experience and opportunity to see why it was so important that somebody be doing what SEEDS does.

This is Jen, the office manager. Since Stacy was out so often, she sort of became my mentor. Stacy would tell her what she wanted me to do and then Jen would tell me. I would also help Jen out with whatever she needed throughout the day.

Overall, I really enjoyed this internship experience and I am going to continue to work with SEEDS for a few weeks to help them with a few other things they need.


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