Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Grocery Bag 3-4-09

"At first I liked it," explained the navy blue Trader Joe bag. "I used to feel special and important. Like I was saving the world for everyone. It used to be easy to be taken to the store over and over again, getting filled up with my owners grocery's. I saw bags like myself everywhere in the store, all saving the world. Then pretty soon I started to see less and less of bags like me and I got a little depressed,but my heart was still in it... saving the world I mean. Soon after that my owner filled me up with a particularly heavy load of stuff and I began to feel my handles tear. From then on any time my owner put something in me I tore a little more, thread by thread, 'till it began to hurt me. I still wanted to ave the world but maybe my owner could have sewed some patches over me or something. Anyway one day I just broke. I couldn't keep myself together anymore and I just tore apart, the stuff inside of me flying all over the ground. My owner go really mad and chucked me into the back of the car for the first time. It was really dark and scary. It seemed like my owner didn't care about me anymore. Then one day a man I had never seen before came and got me from the car and tossed me right here in this...ummm.....what did you call it again?"
"Yeah, this dumpster."
"Wow seems like you had a rough life,"said the milk carton.
"Yeah, but you too. Aren't you supposed to be in that blue recycle bin over there?"
"Yep, I guess people just don't care anymore."

Job 5/5/09

The other day I was walking down the street, and I happened to walk in front of The Coffee Bean. I stopped, looked up and then checked my pockets. I pulled out six dollars, smiled, and walked in. "Hi," I said "can I have a small hot chocolate please?"
"Sure. Whipped cream?" I nodded. "2.59." I handed her my 5 and she gave me my change. "Thanks." I smiled and sat down. "What's your name hon?"
"Victoria," I said to the lady who had taken my order. Wow I really wished that I could work hear. Could you imagine? I would probably get discounts on anything I wanted hear. And I bet if I fudged up the order, I would get to keep the wrong one. "Would you like whipped cream on that?" i would say (only if the person asked for hot chocolate) and she wold say no, but I would go and make it and put whipped cream on anyway. Then when I gave it back to her she would say, "I asked for no whipped I'm so sorry. I'm just not concentrating well today. Let me take care of that for you." And I would make her a brand new hot chocolate and keep the one with whipped cream.
"Victoria," called the lady. I got up and grabbed my drink, said thanks, and walked out the door. I took a sip of the hot chocolate and felt it slide down my throat. It was so thick and chocolaty. And it was never too hot, but it wasn't cold either. It was always the right temperature. It was sooo good. "Best hot chocolate ever," I thought just like I did every time. Wow what a great job it would b at the Coffee Bean.

Belief 5-6-09

I am sitting on the couch staring at he TV. I'm not really seeing what's going on in my favorite show, Smallville though. There is a glare in the TV from the sum coming through the window behind me. Instead of seeing Tom Welling's face fill the screen as he wonders how he could possibly save his best friend this time, I'm seeing the old, brown, rotted wood of the fence behind me, reflecting off the TV. I see the huge bush of purple flowers climbing up the fence as if it's embarrassed by the rotting wood and wants to hide it. I'm too lazy to get up and close the blinds though. No, that's not it, I wouldn't even have to get up. All I would need to do is lift up my arm, and mess with the cord a little, until my grandma came in. She would take care of it. But I didn't even feel like doing that. And, to be honest the reason I'm not watching Smallville is because it's a really hard one to understand and I don't want to think today. So why don't I get up and do something, you ask? Come on do you really think I'm going to do anything at all, when I won't even watch TV because it's hard to understand? Yeah I didn't thinks so. OMG, a thought just struck me; I'm lazy. People always tell me that, but I finally believe it. Wow...I really am lazy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cooking Blog


We are growing herbs in our classroom for the L.U.L.S. project. Why? Because L.U.L.S. stands for Lets Use Less Stuff and trying to support a local community. So by growing our own herbs we are not relying on big corporations, we are supporting ourselves. Then we are cooking with them so that we are doing something with what we are growing. We are also trying to answer our projects essential questions which are "Why don't people live more sustainably?" and, "How can I convince them to do so?" In growing our own herbs we can answer the question of how we can convince them to do so because if we know how we can do that, then we ca tell them all the benefits of living sustainably.


First you have to pick what you want to make, then what you want to grow. Then you have to get the ingredients that you did not grow. You can get them from a local farmers market if you want, but we just went down to Von's and got the stuff.

This is what we used to make our guacamole

3 avocados
3/4 of an onion
1 tomato
1 jalapeƱo
and this is what we grew that we used
1/2 bunch of cilantro
1 cayenne pepper

Recipe for the guacamole that we made

1. First you need to pick the cilantro and peppers

2. Then wash them off

3. Then wash off the tomato and the peppers

4. Cut the onion and the tomato into little cubes

5. split the avocados in half, then dice them while they are still in the skin

6. Take the diced pieces out with a spoon and put them in a large bowl

7. Start mashing up the avocados in the bowl

8. then add the tomato and the onion

9. Cut the peepers in half, then scrape out the seeds

10. Dice up the peppers and put them in the bowl

11. Mix all the ingredients together and keep mashing it

12. Add salt and pepper and lime (there is no right amount...just whatever you like)

13. Mix it all together again

14. Then taste it and ad whatever you think it needs

15. Then eat and enjoy

This recipe is from my mom...she just made it up as she went along the first time she made it


Our finished product tasted really good. We didn't have any chips so we ate it on garlic bread, while Anthony ran down to Von's and got us some chips. We shared with both our teachers and Chris Wakefield, and everyone else who came into the room.

If I were to do this again, I would make the guacamole sooner ad I would make more of it. I would also remember to get chips at the store before we started making it. Other than that I think it went perfectly.
Yes the growing and the cooking of the herbs has changed my thinking a little bit. I never thought of growing my own herbs an vegetables, but now I do think about it, and I know that I can do it an that it is not that hard. I also know that it tastes really good when it is fresh and now I want to grow my own a little bit. But I don't know if I am going to.

Friday, May 8, 2009

This I Believe

I really liked this essay. I liked it because it was written by a Military man about teddy bears. It was a really cool story and was really sad at the same time. He gave the elittle boy the girls teddy bear and the boy took it like it was the most wonderful thing he had ever gotten. I also thought it was really neat that he wanted to go back to Afghanastan so that he can give more children teddy bears and make them happy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Food Blogs

Her is a link to a food blog that is really cool. People debate about the food and drinks on the blog and post all kinds of recipes. If you scroll down a little you will see one of my favorites. It is the latte that is "too pretty to drink". I thought it was really cool how they did that to the latte.

Here is another link to Another food blog. This is the blog Charlotte showed us, but I thought it was really cool too. It was funny and I like that for each step there was a picture. Also here is a recipe from her blog that used a fresh herb that we grew...basil. Maybe I will make this pizza, it looks pretty good.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Top 3 Recipes

1. Guacamole

3 Haas avocados, halved, seeded and peeled
1 lime, juiced
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 medium onion, diced
2 Roma tomatoes, seeded and diced
1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
1 clove garlic, minced
In a large bowl place the scooped avocado pulp and lime juice, toss to coat. Drain, and reserve the lime juice, after all of the avocados have been coated. Using a potato masher add the salt, cumin, and cayenne and mash. Then, fold in the onions, tomatoes, cilantro, and garlic. Add 1 tablespoon of the reserved lime juice. Let sit at room temperature for 1 hour and then serve.

2. Cilantro Lime Salsa Fresca

3 large tomatoes or 5-6 plum tomatoes, diced small1 med. white onion
, diced small1 jalapeno or other hot pepper, diced (you decide if you want to seed it or not) juice of 2 limes, or one lemon and one lime1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
salt to taste
Combine everything in a bowl. Cover and refrigerate a couple of hours or overnight before serving.



1/4 lb each of the following dried beans: kidney, white, pink, black, red, pinto, cranberry, and navy

1 lb bacon

5 large onions, peeled and chopped

2/3 cup minced garlic

1/4 cup toasted coriander seeds, ground

1/4 cup ground cinnamon

1/4 cup paprika

1/4 cup cayenne pepper, or to taste for the timid of tongue

1/2 cup ground dried Poblano chili peppers

108 oz (#10 can) Italian plum tomatoes, with juice

12 oz beer

5 lb lean ground beefsalt to taste


In a large pot, soak the beans together overnight in water to cover. Drain and add fresh water to cover. Cook at a simmer for 1 1/2 hours oruntil beans are just tender. While the beans are simmering, heat a large skillet. Mince the baconand cook it until it begins to crisp. Add the onions and garlic andcook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add all the spices and the groundPoblanos and cook another 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes with their juiceand the beer. Simmer for half an hour. In another pan, cook the beef until the pink color disappears. Drainand add it to tomatoe mixture. When the beans are fully cooked, drain them, reserving the liquid, andadd the beans to the meat/tomato mixture. Salt to taste and let themixture simmer for about 1 hour. If it is too dry, add some of the beanliquid.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sustainability Visit

1. What is your name and your role here at the (farmers market, CSA, community garden)?
Tom and I am a shopper and a seller.

2. Why do you choose to shop here/garden here/support this CSA?
To support locally and because I know the people here and its a very social environment. Also because its safe and affordable.

3. When did you first start coming here?
1 month ago, but I have been supporting farmers markets since the 80's....I'm a hippie

4. Do you garden at home? Why or why not?
Yes, because it supports the locals and for all the reasons in #2.

5. How did you find out about this place?
I am a farmer and you hear about these things when you're a farmer

6. What would be your advice to get others to do what you do?

I think it's pretty clear to most people that there are a lot of benefits to shopping here but that's what I would tell them...all the benefits of it.

What struck you about the location you visited? Was it what you expected or very different?

What struck me about the farmers market was that it was outside. I feel stupid for thinking it now, but when I first heard of a farmers market I thought that it would be inside and that there would be animals inside of it and everything, kind of like a petting zoo or something. Then when I got there it was just a long line of tents doing through what looked like a giant parking lot. So, obviously, when I saw the real thing it was not anywhere close to what i had expected.

Do you think you will start going to a farmers market more often?

I think that I will start to go there more often then I do now, but I probably will not go there all the time and I will still shop at a regular store a lot. But for some things I will probably go to a farmers market to get them.

How do these locations fit into our essential questions of "Why don't people live more sustainably?" and "How can I convince them to do so?"

The farmers market and the sustainability visits fit into our essential questions because supporting a farmers market is one way of living sustainably and also by getting the interviews from people who support them regularly we see why they do this and we can pass that on to others to encourage them to use farmers markets also.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ecological Intelligence

-Explain what ecological intelligence is.

Ecological intelligence is knowing and understanding the consequences we make to the environment every time we buy something that is supposedly "green" or will reduce our carbon footprint. It means that we need to know that just because it says that its made from organic material or that its made from recycled material or something like that it doesn't mean that it is better for the environment than something that isn't.

-How does this article connect to our project’s Essential Questions?

This article connects to our essential questions for the L.U.L.S. project because it is not only talking about living sustainably, but it is also talking about awareness of living sustainably. The article is making sure that we are not thinking that we are living sustainably and actually are not. It is educating us on how to do it more effectively and what to watch out for while trying to live more sustainably.

-How high is your ecological intelligence? Give an example of ecological intelligence in your life.

My ecological intelligence is not very high, it's actually probably, on a scale of one to 100, at about 15 or so. I don't really know about Green stuff and all that. I don't really go out of my way to get stuff like that and I don't even really know if the stuff that I buy is green or organic or anything. I assume that it isn't because I think it would be in big green letters all over the product if it was. One example of ecological intelligence in my life is something my crazy super go green aunt got me one time. It is a box with paper to write on inside and it is all made out of...you'll never guess...elephant poop. You can also give it to the zoo or something like that when you are done using it and they use it for something...I'm not sure what it just says to give it to them.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ads we like

http://ben.ezymail.com/profileimages/Backup_of_croc_add.jpg This is an ad that my group thought was really cool because it was funny and, like ours, there was writing underneath it explaining what it was for and how it helped and stuff. We thought we could try to make ours funny like that one.

http://interactive.usc.edu/members/tfullerton/nycads1.jpg This is another ad that my group liked because it had something to do with ours and we thought it was a creative way to show it because it was on a billboard and wasn't just a piece of paper.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Data Analysis

Click here to see the results to our survey on survey monkey.
As you can see the majority of people do garden but they garden something other than fruits and vegetables. Also most of the people who do garden, do it because they think that it is fun, not to save the enviroment. What really struck me about this data was that more people garden than don't garden. I really thought that it was going to be the other way around. I think that some people may have lied about that one though because on the next question, "Why do you garden" the overwhelming majority was "I dont garden". So it really didn't make much sense to me that in the frst question more people gardened, but in the second quesion more people didn't garden.

Before we actually took the survey we made a guess as to what the outcome would be and I guessed that the majority would say that they didn' garden, so obviously, unless they lied like I said before, I was wrong.

I think that my group should try to encouragepeople to garden. I think we should just el tham that all the good things about it and how grat it is. I think this would work because the people wo toook the survey seemed to think that gardening was a good idea, but there is just one thing that is stopping them from actually doing. Also they just need encouragment because 80 percent of the people already think that there is a possibility for them to garden, and all they need is that little push.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Take a survey!!

Click here to take our survey. Please take it, it will help our group project.

Our project

Click here to see our materials for our project.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Homegrown Revolution

1. What strikes you about their movie?

What strikes me about the Dervaes' movie is the before and after photos they show of their house. It is really amazing that a family could turn a regular, everyday house into a jungle of fruits and vegetables that they could live on. They don't need anything other than what they can grow themselves, and what they can make out of it.

2. What do you think the Dervaes’ family Needs vs. Wants sheet would look like? Why?

I think that if the Dervaes' have a wants vs. needs list, they would have more needs than most people because they need water, and soil, and seeds, and stuff for their plants and stuff that most people do not need to get and probably don't event think about getting soil, etc.. I also think that their needs list would not be as long as most people's because they are more focused on what they need to do to eat and are always busy working on their life, not working on being miserable and unhappy or thinking my life would be better if I had... or All I need is one more ... and my life would be perfect...

3. How does the Dervaes family fit into what we are studying in My Ishmael?

They fit in with what we are learning about in My Ishmael because in the book Ishmael says stuff about how we need to save the world and how we are destroying it. The Devraes' family is a perfect example of what we all could and should be doing to save the world and to live more substantially.

4. Overall, what are your thoughts on the way this family lives and works?

I think that it is really amazing and cool that the Dervaes' family was able to live off of what they grow in their house in a CITY. I also think that it is really cool that they are working to save the environment by doing all that at their house and by spreading the word with this website and many others. I think that its great that, because they grow their own stuff they don't have to buy it from other countries and not also by growing it themselves the fruit is fresh and good. I also think that we should all try to follow in their footsteps and at least grow some of our own stuff.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ishmael-Callioppe Part 2

On page 82 Ishmael talks about ‘anthropomorphism.’ Look up the definition of this term and post it in your blog, then describe what he is applying it to in the chapter.

The definition of "anthropomorphism" is "an anthropomorphic conception or representation, as of a deity." When Ishmael says this he is talking about how humans mark their territory and do whatever they have to defend not only the people and food in the territory, but also the land itself. But animals only defend the other animals or food inside the land until hey are all gone, then they leave and don't give a hoot about the land they left behind. Ishmael is implying that humans think that animals are just like them. That the animals do what they do for they same reason humans do. Ishmael may also be implying that humans think they are better than all other species don't he planet or that everyone and everything on the planet does what they do and copies them.

How does Ishmael define ‘Erratic Retaliation’? How does it work in the case of the Cawks?

Ishmael defines Erratic relation by saying, "Give as good as you get, but don't be too predictable." In the case of the cawks this means that if none of the tribes is attacking then you don't have to do anything, but if one of the tribes does attack then you attack them next. Also if none of the tribes has attacked you for a long time, you don't want them to think that they can come in and take you over soon or anything because you haven't attacked for a long time, so you go and attack one of the tribes.

Why is Erratic Retaliation a peacekeeping method?

It is a peacekeeping method because the unspoken rules of the erratic retaliation game is that you get what you give. This means that if you attacked someone, but only took one piece of fruit, the other team could only take one piece of fruit from you. This keeps peace because no one wants to get more physical or get hurt, so they just keep taking a piece of fruit back and forth. Of course someone could go in a destroy the other team and take all of their stuff, but their are more than just two teams playing and if the team destroyed one team, the other teams would all start destroying each other and then destroy the team that started it all. So, in an easier way this is a peacekeeping method because if you get what you give, and you give death then that is what you're gonna get. And no one wants to die.

Why don’t the Cawks just annihilate each other (instead of just doing the occasional attacks)?

The tribes don't go and annihilate each other because if it's true that you get what you give, and they all know that then why would one of the tribes destroy another. They would just get destroyed back by one of the other teams playing the game. And since none of the teams wants to die, they all just keep it easy going and no one annihilates each other.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


1. Ishmael's two general rules on how to identify people from our culture are that they keep their food under lock and key and "they perceive themselves to be members of a race that is fundamentally flawed and inherently doomed to suffering and misery" (Page 40). No I do not agree with Ishmael's statement that people from all over the world are part of the same culture. I disagree because culture is a quality that people get by hanging out with other people or from their personality or from where they live. I believe that when the world was first created by God and everyone was living together the people were all part of the same culture, but when people started to move away from each other to different places they began to diversify and adapt different cultures, and today there are so many different cultures and not everyone is part of the same one. I agree with Ishmael that we are all part of one cultural if like on page 40 he is only talking about fundamentals like food and clothes and water and that sort of stuff, but only if it is that broad of stuff we are talking about.

2. I agree with Mother Culture's voice and I disagree with Ishmael. I believe that humans are inherently flawed because I am a Christian and since Adam and Eve sinned we all inherit the flaw of being a sinful human being. No body is perfect and we all make mistakes and sin. It is not our fault, but it is true. Although I think that we are all inherently flawed, I believe that we can still try to "save the world" as Ishmael put it. We can still do the things he is telling Julie. Just because we are inherently flawed it doesn't mean that we are being held back from doing anything. We always have a choice in what to do, what to believe. No one is forcing us to do anything.

3. In Ishmael's parable the Takers are farmers and the Leavers are Hunter/gatherers. They relate to American Culture because the Takers are like the Americans and they used to be Hunter/Gatherers but then they realized that if they "danced" or farmed they could eat anything so, like Americans they started to farm all over the place and they began to move from place to place and kept on farming and spreading the "dancing" or American lifestyle. Then the Takers/Americans ran into some Leavers who were happy being hunter/gatherers and leaving it up to nature to provide for them. And they didn't want to take up the Takers way so the Takers/Americans forced the Leavers/Native Americans onto reservations until they would take up "Dancing" then they could come back in.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sustainable Lifestyle

1. What does it mean to live a sustainably?

To live sustainably means to have all of your needs supported or taken care of. It means that you are not hungry or that you have enough clothes and you don't need anything more to live. You can fully and totally support yourself. Living sustainably also means being able to keep providing for yourself, even when times are tough and it's hard to keep going.

2. How much freedom and independence do you have as a 14-16 year old in our society?

In our society I, and most other 14-16 year olds get quite a bit of freedom. We all go to the mall when we want, we go watch movies together, we can almost do anything as long as it is not against the country's laws (and even then some people do it anyway). 16 year olds are even aloud to drive, so that is a whole bunch of freedom right there. Your freedom and Independence varies on Your family and parents, but compared to the old days where you had to do a butt-load of chores all day and help your dad in the farm and that's pretty much all you did all day, I'd say that everyone today has a lot of freedom.

3. As a 14-16 year old, how can you currently live your life more sustainably?

As a 14-16 year old there isn't a whole lot that you can do, but there are a few things. First of all you could get a job and try to buy clothes for yourself and food or yourself. That would definitely help your parents out a lot. Also, since you cant get a job until you're like 15 or 16 you could recycle and you would be helping the environment and also you get money from it so you could buy some of your own things.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What i have done

1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty (You cant go all the way to the top anymore, but I have been as far as you can go)
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gold panned
27. Run a Marathon (not a full one, but for girl scouts I ran a short one)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance

47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Gone without food or water for 24 hours or longer
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Stayed up for 24 hours with NO sleep at all
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Changed a light bulb
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person

80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Mowed the lawn
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible

86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous (John Schneider from Dukes of Hazard and SMALLVILLE!!!!!!!!! and had a conversation with him at the mother goose parade)
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee (I think I am immune to be stings….. I really do……I am not joking.

I have done 40

Semester Goals

This semester my goals are to get straight A's. I want to get an A in every class throughout the whole semester. What I mean is that if I were to check power school everyday for the rest of the semester I would see an A in all of my classes every single time. Also I never want to receive below a B- on any single assignment or project.

How are you different now than when you started school in August?

Now I talk more, have friends, and am more comfortable at the school. Also I get the school more, i get the project based learning. Before I didn't get what project based learning was really. I didn't know what the projects were gonna be about and what they would be.

What skills do you think are the most important for succeeding in humanities? Why?

I think that you have to have determination and desire, because if you don't have the desire to do the work and get good grades than why would you? You wouldn't try to succeed if you didn't have desire. Also you need to have determination because when it gets hard you will work through it if you have determination. You also need to have good listening skills so that you listen for what you are supposed to be doing for homework.

One thing I would like to improve on this semester is................I will do this by........................

One thing I would like to improve on this semester is not talking as much during class and getting my DP work done faster and making it look more presentable. I will do this by working on my DP whenever we have free time or time in class to do it. I will also stay in after school to work on it when I have time.

What are you most curious about? If you could study any topic what would it be and why?

I am most curious about what people are thinking about when they do certain things. Like when they are rude what are they thinking?? Why are they rude? Did they mean to be rude, or are they having a bad day? Do they have things on their mind and don't realize what they are doing? Do they think it is all right to be that way. Also why do people swear...what is going on in their brain when they cuss...do they think its cool or what? If I could study any topic it would be the study of the human brain...i think that is psychology right?? I would study this because it would help me to understand better why people think certain ways and do certain things.