Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dialectic Journals

Book 7

Chapter 34

Page 402

" 'Xerxes does not want your lives, sir," Tommie called. "Only your arms." Leonidas laughed. "Tell him to come and get them.' "

What strikes you about this passage? Why is it interesting to you?

What strikes me about this passage is that is how brave and in charge Leonidas is. He laughed in the face of an opposing officer, who told him that he and all the Spartan warriors there didn't have to die if they surrendered to King Xerxes. All Leonidas had to say was a challenge to King Xerxes. I think it shows how in charge he is because he alone shut down a surrender offer, pretty much the Spartan warriors only chance to survival.

Book 8

Chapter 35

Page 412

"I will tell His Majesty what a king is. A king does not abide whith in his tent while his men bleed and die upon the field. A king does not dine while his men go hungry, nor sleep when they stand watch upon the wall. A king does not command his mens loyalty through fear nor purchase it with gold; he earns their love by the sweat of his own back and the pains he endures for their sake. That which comprises the harshest burden, a king lifts first and sets down last. A king does not require service of those he leads but provides it to them. He serves them, not they him."

How does this connect to your life, or to other books (movies) you have read (seen) in the past? Do those connections help you understand the text?

When I read this I pictured Denethor Stewart of Minas Tirith, the Steward of Gondor in Lord of the rings. I pictured that part where he was stuffing his face with chicken and a whole lot of food, while his army was at war and probably really hungry, but there he was hoveling food into his mouth. He couldn't have cared less about his army. I didn't picture this part because I thought, "oh he fits the picture of the perfect king." I pictured him because I thought he was completey the opposite as how Xeo described a king was suppsed to be. I understand why a king isn't supposed to eat, when his men are hungry, or sleep when his men are awake, guarding. It's disgusting, rude, and not honorable. They are people who are not worthy of being king.

Book 8

Chapter 37

Page 429

"These were the final words spoken by the captive Xeones. The man's voice trailed off; his vital signs ebbed swiftly. Within moments he lay still and cold. His god had used him upand restored him at last to that station to which he yearned most to return, reunited with the corps of his comrades beneath th earth."

What strikes you about his passage? Why is it interesting to you?

It is interesting to me that the author just ends Xeo's legacy so quickly. I never expected him to die especially not out of no where, right after he told a story. I can't believe the author killed him like that.

How does this passage make you feel?

This passage mekes me sad because I liked Xeo, and i didn't want him die. I was also surprised that he died, because I always thought he would live and marry Dio.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dialectic Journals

Book 7

Chapter 30


"It was this infant whose life would mean Dieneks' death, and Alexandros' and Suicide's by their association with him. And mine as well"

What strikes you about this passage?

What strikes me about this passage is that an infant can be responsible for so many people's deaths just by a woman claiming to be his mother. If he was not claimed, all of those men would not have to die. They would not have even been put into battle, yet because the Lady Arete claimed him as her own, they all will die on the suicide battle mission they may have avoided.

What point is the author trying to make here?

I think that there are two points that the author is trying to make. First of all I think he is trying to emphasize the importance of having a male in your family to continue your blood-line. I think this because the people chosen to be part of the 300 are chosen by whether they have a son or not. If they have no son (like Dienekes) they are not chosen as part of the 300, because if they die they will have no one to carry on their family name. But those people who do have sons (like when the Lady Arete claims the infant, Dienekes then has a son) are chosen to be part of the 300. Also I think the author is trying to make the point that the rules in Sparta are strict and no matter how important you are or how many people do not want you to go to battle, you still have to.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


There is so much to be grateful for, but i am most grateful for Jesus. He came to earth and died for us so that we could go to heaven. He loved us so much he died for us. That is something to be grateful for.
I am also grateful that God has given me such a great family that loves and cares for me. I'm grateful that i still have a house and that my mom and dad still have jobs, in a time where many people are losing jobs and even their homes. I am grateful for my little brother, even though he is extremely annoying sometimes, I still love him. I am thankful for my older brother, and sister who are always there for me and make me laugh.
I am blessed to live in America where we have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to say and do whatever we like. I am grateful that we have a justice and that i live in the best country in the world. There is so much to be grateful for, and we don't thank people enough. Maybe every once in a while we should stop and smell the roses and appreciate everything we have.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dialectic Journal # 7

Chapter 8

Page 75

"In our separate whippings, Alexandros fell before I did. I mention this, not as a cause for pride; it was simply that I had taken more beatings. I was more accustomed to it."

What strikes you about this passage?

It strikes me that he had taken a lot of beatings. I never thought of him as a "bad boy", but he pretty much just admitted. He must have gotten a lot of beatings for him to be "accustomed" to them. Also what strikes me is that it seems to me that, throughout this book a common theme is beating kids. They do it all the time. Like when he got caught stealing and they hung him and beat him. It also strikes me that he said that he only said that Alexandros fell before him to admit that he had had more beatings, not for pride. I think that this means that being proud was really bad or shameful back then.

What questions does this raise for you?

Was he a bad/disobedient kid? How many times was he beaten? How bad did they hurt? How long did it take for your body to get used to them? Why did he get beat?

Chapter 9

Page 93

"A spasm of the lungs seized Alexandros; his throat constricted, he began to choke. My punch hesitated. A three-foot switch burned my back. "Hit him!" I obeyed. Alexandros dropped to one knee. His lungs had frozen, he was helpless. "Pound him you whore's son!" A voice shouted from behind me. "Finish him"

It was Dienekes"

What strikes you about this passage?

What strikes me about this passage is that, even when Alexandros is completely helpless and already hurt and choking everyone still wants him to hit him. Will there be no mercy!?!?! Jeez they are so mean to Alexandros. Also, when he hesitated to hit Alexandros, he got whipped, even though Alexandros was choking. And then to call him a whore's son!! What in the world is wrong with these people!?!?!? They punished him for showing compassion and giving the kid a break for once. But the think that struck me the most was that it was Dienekes who said to finish him off. Dienekes was so nice before. I cant believe he said that.

What is your reaction to this quote? How does it make you feel?

Chapter 10

Page 103

" 'Dienekes says the mind is like a house with many rooms,' he said. 'There are rooms we must not go into. To anticipate one's death is one of those rooms. We must not even think it.' "

Do you agree with the author? why/why not?

I agree with this totally. Your mind controls everything. There are different rooms in your head and if you go into the wrong one at the wrong time you could let yourself think something that is not true, it will happen. Like if you go into the "sick room" and convince yourself that you are sick you will start feeling sick.

How does this connect to other books (movies, shows) you have read (seen) in the past? Does this help you understand the text?

One time i was watching Smallville and Clark went into someones mind and there was a whole bunch of doors. He had to choose the right one in order to save his friend. If he chose the wrong one he would die or get stuck because the person would experience whatever happened in the door he went into and have a mental breakdown. This helps me to picture the text. I remembered that episode and what the mind and doors looked like. I could really picture and understand this.

btw Clark picks the right door and saves his friend (of course).

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dialectic Journal # 3

Chapter 4

Page 29

" 'We needed Spartans,' the teacher declared, speaking softly behind his sad watery eyes. 'Just 50 would have saved the city.' ..... '50 of them,' the man still shouted, while his wife struggled to tug him back to the safety of the trees. 'Five! One would have saved us!' "

What strikes you about this passage? Why is it interesting to you?

What strikes me about this passage is that the teacher thinks that only one Spartan would have saved the whole entire city from the whole army of the Argives. I think that he must think vary highly of them. Also, for him to think that, the Spartans must have been really strong and skilled and talented. They must be the best warriors that he has ever heard about.

What questions does this raise for you?

Could only one Spartan have saved the city? How skilled are the Spartans? How many of them are there? Where are they? Are they their allies? Why didn't they come to fight with them or protect them?

Dialecti Journal # 2

Chapter 6

Page 44

"That winter, Bruxieus said, was the coldest he could remember. Sheep froze in the high pastures. Twenty-foot drifts sealed the passes. Deer were driven so desperate with hunger that they straggled down, skeleton-thin and blind from starvation, all the way to the shepards winter folds, where they presented themselves for slaughter, point-blank before the herdsmen's bows."

What strikes you about this passage? Why is it interesting to you?

What strikes me about this passage is how cold it is. It is so cold that sheep freeze to death. I have never been in weather below freezing and I know I'm cold even if its only 60 degrees out. So this weather must be relly really really cold. Like maybe below zero. It was even so cold that there was nothng for the deer to eat and they went right down to the herdsmen to try to get food. This says a lot because when I've seen a deer before as soo as I make even the quietest noise it darts away. So for a deer to walk righ tup to you it has to be because of a really good reason, and in this case it was hunger.

What questions does this raise for you?

How cold was it? What temperature was it? Were Bruxieus, Diomache, and Xenoesused to the cold? How long could they live with the weather as cold as that? Did they have enough blankets? How could they sleep with it that cold?

Dialectic Journal # 1

Chapter 5

Page 43

"Would his love for me impel him to dash in and be nailed alongside me? I didn't care. I wanted the pain to end. I begged the men to kill me. I could feel the bones in both my hands shattered by the spikes.I would never hold a spear or even a gardening spade. I would be a cripple, a clubfist. My life was over and in the meanest, most dishonorable way."

What strikes you about this passage? Why is it interesting to you?

The thing that strikes me the most about this passage is that the pain is so bad that he would rather die than go through the pain anymore. He even begs the men to kill him. He didn't care about anything other than the pain. He didn't care what his cousin did or Bruxieus did, all he wanted was the pain to stop, and if the only way that was going to happen was if he died than he wanted to die. I also think that it wasn't just the pain. I think that it was also that he would be ashamed if he had to live the rest of his life, not being able to do a mans job and fight in a war, or protect his family because his hands were shattered and he would never be able to hold a spear again.

What is your reaction to this quote? How does it make you feel?

My reaction to this quote is, "Ow. That's got to hurt like crazy." I also think of Jesus being nailed to the cross. I also feel really bad for him because he will never be able to do his job. I feel bad for him because he is so young and he had to go through so much pain at the age of ten.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Next President of America?

Barack Obama refused to put his hand over his heart or say the Pledge of Allegiance. He does not deserve to be the next president of the U.S.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Election 2008

This presidential election is very...hmmm...long! I don't know why, but doesn't it seem like its been going on forever? But no worries, there's only 17 more days until we are finally done with this. I'm not even old enough to vote, and I'm stressed out!

Al right, lets start with some facts (I'll try to be as impartial as possible), then we'll go into my opinions. First off the war: Obama wants to take all combat brigades out in 16 months, but leave some troops to protect the U.S. Embassy and operate in Al Qaeda. While McCain wants to keep troops there until we defeat Al-Qaeda and Iraqi troops will maintain order. ( Now taxes: McCain said he would make larger tax cuts and make bush's tax trim permanent. He said that he lower income would get less of a tax cut than under Obama's, but higher income and corporations would get tax cuts too. Obama said that he would lower or hold taxes for everyone making less than 250k and raise takes on anyone making more than that. He also said he would "spread the wealth around". Wow that is soooo cliche!!! (,0,5683318.story.)

Here is a picture of both candidates tax plan outcome-if they are both fully true, of course.

There are probably more issues that I missed, but these seem to be the ones that are continually talked about and seem to be the most important. My opinions on all of this for McCain. I agree with McCain on leaving the troops in Iraq. I believe that, now that we are there, we need to finish it. I think that we are trying to help out there, not trying to be evil murderers. I agree with McCain again here. His plan will lower or hold taxes for everyone, not just the low income people. I don't think it's fair to raise taxes on the rich people. They worked hard for their money, and they shouldn't be punished for that. I also think that the whole "spread the wealth around" thing is totally socialistic. Take from the rich and give to the poor. ( Take from the hard workers and give to those who don't work.) Check out these videos. Go Joe the plumber!! (Also a cliche. Mentioned like 29 times in the final debate). Also on health care I agree with McCain more than Obama, but I don't really get McCain's plan. I agree with it more only because the government needs be less involved. In Obama's plan you can bet your butt it will be there, up close and personal. I also think that if you don't have the money for health care, tax money shouldn't pay for it, you just don't get health insurance. I know that sounds mean, but if you are dying or absolutely need care, you will be taken care of. And don't we already have medicare? Obama is a baby killer, he wants to take our troops out of Iraq, he is a socialist, he hangs out with Bill Ayers and worked with Acorn, who had a little problem...Voter fraud! Barack Obama is not the kind of person I would ever vote for. But I will give him this: he is a good speaker.

Go John McCain and Sara Palin!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Character Sketch Hero

Melissa is my hero because she is funny and always laughing and in a good mood-I've never seen her mad for more than five minutes. Melissa makes everyone around her happy. She doesn't care what people think of her and she loves to see people smiling and cheerful.

A Picture I Like

I like this photo because...well for starters it's Tom Welling, who plays Superman in Smallville and I'm obsessed with Superman. I also like it because I think that Tom Welling is really, really hot. I think that this photo is cool because it is half animation and half real life. I think this shows how strong Superman is, as he is breaking roof or whatever that is with his hand. I think this shows how hot Tom Welling is and also that he is a good Superman. I mean seriously doesn't he fit the roll perfectly? Hot, strong, all the girls are in love with him.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Preview, Predict, Code

1. Some of my predictions were right. Especially the ones about what I thought I would think of the book. I thought that I would like the book and I did. I also thought it would be easy to read and it was. I was wrong about the way it started.

2. My prediction about what the book would be about was very accurate. I said it would be about a motherless girl who runs away and also about bees. Also about if I thought it would be easy to read or not. I said that it would be easy to read and it was.

3. The one that asks how you think the book will start. I said it would start with the mom getting shot, but it didn't. It actually started when all the bees came into Lily's room.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

LDW Alliteration

What I did Last Weekend

After a fairly fair fight of volleyball, a plan to interview my hero was devised, but it was not devoid of a dilemma. See this was the problem, I was planning to interview my hero after my brothers Saturday soccer game, But I awoke at ten till twelve and it was almost time to take-off. When we were back at home, I called my mom, but she was getting ready to go out. So I called Melissa, but she was gone too. Then I decided to diligently do my blog about similes, metaphors, and cliches. After that I walked to the kitchen and boiled big hot dogs in a pot. As I was eating I remembered that I wanted to watch Wizards of Waverly Place. And low and behold, a Chuck Norris joke was cracked by one of the main characters! Who woulda thunk it? A half hour later, at eight, Heroes was on. So I called my friend and we watched it together, while on the phone. As we watched I got so confused, I had to shout, "Sharon! I'm so confused!" After the oh so confusing Heroes It was way past eight and time for me to sleep.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Literary Device of the Week

Victoria is a world class, state of the art kinda girl. She is as sweet as honey and as gentle as a lamb. She is as nutty as as a fruitcake, but also is a tack, so sharp and intelligent. Victoria is also as pure as the driven snow.

This was as cheesy as the moon. :)

Victoria a cat, always quiet and shy until she gets to know you. Then when she does she is as loud as a squealing pig. Sometimes she can get as nervous as a cat in a rocking chair factory. Other times she is a lion, and is very brave. She is sometimes a couch potato and is as lazy as rug.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Epic

An epic is a very long narrated story that is sung or recited as poetry and is passed down many generations in that way.

Three characteristics of an epic are:

1: The main character is larger than life. lines 140-142 "You may be a good man in a fight, Achilles, and look like a god..." He is an amazing warrior and he is half god, half mortal. That seems larger than life to me.

2: The gods play an active roll in the story. Lines 205-228 "Athena came...and grabbed his sandy hair" Athena came down and stopped Achilles from killing Agamemnon, and therefore played an active roll and was physically there in the story.

3: Poem begins with a statement of the theme. The Illiad starts like this "Rage: Sing, Goddess, Achilles rage" which begins with, obviously, the theme of rage and anger.

The image of superman represents an epic to me because superman is amazing and larger than life. He can do things a normal person could never do. Plus the only thing that can kill him is kryptonite. He also has a dad that could be classified as a god (he could be too).

Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Hero

He was noble. He was brave. He was respected. He was strong. He was honorable. He was our sixteenth president. He is Abraham Lincoln, my hero.

Abraham Lincoln is my hero because he was and is all those things and more. He lead the United States through its most devastating time, the civil war, and kept our nation undivided and united. He also stopped slavery from spreading and made it illegal with the emancipation proclamation and the thirteenth amendment.

Abraham Lincoln is a hero to many, but there is always someone who disagrees with or dislikes someone. In Lincolns case it was those who thought he should compromise on the slavery issue, the Confederate army, the southern sates in the civil war, and of course John Wilkes Booth and his followers who assassinated him.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

30 things you didn't know about me

  1. I love thriller/horror movies.

  2. The only pets I've ever had are fish.

  3. I can't sleep without a blanket over me.

  4. I used to have major OCD.

  5. My favorite superhero is Superman.

  6. Otter pops give me a sore throat.

  7. I've never been stung by a bee.

  8. I'm the only person in my immediate family who has broken a bone.

  9. I have 1 half brother, 1 half sister, and 1 full brother.

  10. This is my first blog ever.

  11. I get sick if I see blood, cuts, stitches, surgeries, etc.

  12. I have never been out of the country.

  13. I like photography.

  14. I know pretty much nothing about computers.

  15. I always play with/twirl my hair.

  16. When I was in kindergarten I beat everyone at my school(k-12th grade)at a game in basketball called bump.

  17. I was food poisoned by eating a piece of candy from a clown.

  18. I can't stand Will Ferrell.

  19. In the same basketball game I scored 2 points for the other team.

  20. My favorite movie is "Raising Helen."

  21. I love watching football.

  22. My celebrity crush is Shia LeBeof(I have no idea how to spell his name though).

  23. My favorite subject is English.

  24. I always have something on my wrist(watch, hairband, etc.).

  25. My favorite theme park is six flags.

  26. I like all things Disney.

  27. I still have one of those tickle me Elmo stuffed toys.

  28. I hate the nails on a chalkboard sound.

  29. I hate the smell of cooking brownies.
30. My favorite color is green.