Saturday, October 18, 2008

Election 2008

This presidential election is very...hmmm...long! I don't know why, but doesn't it seem like its been going on forever? But no worries, there's only 17 more days until we are finally done with this. I'm not even old enough to vote, and I'm stressed out!

Al right, lets start with some facts (I'll try to be as impartial as possible), then we'll go into my opinions. First off the war: Obama wants to take all combat brigades out in 16 months, but leave some troops to protect the U.S. Embassy and operate in Al Qaeda. While McCain wants to keep troops there until we defeat Al-Qaeda and Iraqi troops will maintain order. ( Now taxes: McCain said he would make larger tax cuts and make bush's tax trim permanent. He said that he lower income would get less of a tax cut than under Obama's, but higher income and corporations would get tax cuts too. Obama said that he would lower or hold taxes for everyone making less than 250k and raise takes on anyone making more than that. He also said he would "spread the wealth around". Wow that is soooo cliche!!! (,0,5683318.story.)

Here is a picture of both candidates tax plan outcome-if they are both fully true, of course.

There are probably more issues that I missed, but these seem to be the ones that are continually talked about and seem to be the most important. My opinions on all of this for McCain. I agree with McCain on leaving the troops in Iraq. I believe that, now that we are there, we need to finish it. I think that we are trying to help out there, not trying to be evil murderers. I agree with McCain again here. His plan will lower or hold taxes for everyone, not just the low income people. I don't think it's fair to raise taxes on the rich people. They worked hard for their money, and they shouldn't be punished for that. I also think that the whole "spread the wealth around" thing is totally socialistic. Take from the rich and give to the poor. ( Take from the hard workers and give to those who don't work.) Check out these videos. Go Joe the plumber!! (Also a cliche. Mentioned like 29 times in the final debate). Also on health care I agree with McCain more than Obama, but I don't really get McCain's plan. I agree with it more only because the government needs be less involved. In Obama's plan you can bet your butt it will be there, up close and personal. I also think that if you don't have the money for health care, tax money shouldn't pay for it, you just don't get health insurance. I know that sounds mean, but if you are dying or absolutely need care, you will be taken care of. And don't we already have medicare? Obama is a baby killer, he wants to take our troops out of Iraq, he is a socialist, he hangs out with Bill Ayers and worked with Acorn, who had a little problem...Voter fraud! Barack Obama is not the kind of person I would ever vote for. But I will give him this: he is a good speaker.

Go John McCain and Sara Palin!!


  1. Very interesting post. So why do you like Sarah Palin? And what do you think of Joe Biden? I think it would be nice to include the vice presidential candidates into your post. Also, the end of your post did seem a little harsh. A baby killer? I think we could try not being so negative. And finally, do you like anything about Obama that you dislike about McCain besides his speaking abilities?

  2. no if you look back on McCain's history you will see hes stupid how do you get shot down out of the air by a regular gun and out all the people you become a hostage also he must be crazy for going through all that. Obama is not a baby killer and saying that is not cool but its up to you to have an abortion he dos not pull the baby out of you matter fact almost all presidents want it and what about the teen mothers that cant handle a kid. do we really want to have one then kick it in to foster care not knowing his true family and getting abused and molested. think before you speak

  3. i liked how you stuck to point and you made it VERY clear who you liked....... it was funny how you said its streasing you out because i feel the same way!!!

  4. I agreed that John McCain should be the next president.

  5. well....I don't know where you got that graph for the tax raises and cuts, but just going off of what I hear from NPR, I don't think those are quite accurate. But on the issue of health care, why should someone be denied the right to have good health? Good job on the overall post though, I like the way you defended all the facts that you stated.

  6. wow you made it very clear who u liked (like shoshannah said) but still harsh much!! poor Obama u probably hurt his feelings. But you did a WONDERFUl job of backing up all the facts that you put out there
    haha love yah!! <3333

  7. Okay... FINALLY someone who agrees about Obama the baby killer..(yes it's true...Check out the Born Alive Act. Obama voted against providing healthcare for BABIES who survive abortions). And so what if it sounds harsh.. Does anyone care about all the criticism Bush gets? NO!!!! And Kahli, what do you mean he's stupid for getting shot down???? He was serving our country. You can't say you've done that about yourself, can you? And once again. I'd rather have unwanted babies in orphanages than soiled hospital laundry rooms. Good work Victoria!! Showing these people some truth even though half of them will deny it because supposedly, Obama is the Messiah.(give me a break ) Well written, it's good that you backed up your reasons. Also, if anybody wants to know why the "messiah" is a baby killer, read my post.

  8. If Mccain wins Sarah Palin is 72 heart beats away from being president.
