Monday, October 27, 2008

Dialectic Journal # 3

Chapter 4

Page 29

" 'We needed Spartans,' the teacher declared, speaking softly behind his sad watery eyes. 'Just 50 would have saved the city.' ..... '50 of them,' the man still shouted, while his wife struggled to tug him back to the safety of the trees. 'Five! One would have saved us!' "

What strikes you about this passage? Why is it interesting to you?

What strikes me about this passage is that the teacher thinks that only one Spartan would have saved the whole entire city from the whole army of the Argives. I think that he must think vary highly of them. Also, for him to think that, the Spartans must have been really strong and skilled and talented. They must be the best warriors that he has ever heard about.

What questions does this raise for you?

Could only one Spartan have saved the city? How skilled are the Spartans? How many of them are there? Where are they? Are they their allies? Why didn't they come to fight with them or protect them?

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